FEM Fitness

The Cavern Aesthetic Crafts a Fitness Haven Perpetuating The Feminine Values
6,000 square feet

For the third FEM Fitness studio located on Hong Kong Island, our design team has once again captured the brand's core aesthetic, while infusing each location with its character. Drawing inspiration from the 'Cave' Aesthetics from Europe, the project features curvaceous lines as the guiding visual, which also serve to delineate the various zones within the space. Embracing the brand's signature coral hue, we masterfully combined it with stone grey to distil the essence of the 'wabi-sabi' design ethos. Through spatial modifications, we accentuated the existing structural beams, creating a training area with an expansive view. Complementing the fitness facilities, the studio also houses a cosy café lounge and a dedicated yoga room, while the luxurious shower rooms encapsulate a feminine sensibility, imbuing the entire wellness sanctuary with a sense of tranquillity.


Fem Fitness | Interior design showcase of a Gym Room
Project tour